Secretary General, Communications and Transportation Services
Shawn Champigny,
Director of the General Secretariat, Communications and School Transportation Services
Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55025
Staff – Secretary General
Geneviève Mallette, Executive Secretary
Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55025
Julie Dubois, Office Agent
Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55022
Maxime Rivest, Archivist
Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55026
Davick Brunette & Sylvie Hamel replacing:
Holly Bailey, Communications Consultant
Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55023
Bruce Banfill, Coordinator
Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 40011
Lynda Fischer, Office Agent
Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 40057
Alex Young, Transportation technician
Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 40058
Governing Board Workshop November 13, 2017
Chairing the Governing Board (A rewarding Challenge)
Présider un CE (Quel beau défi)_fr
The GB Chair and the School Principal (Working in tandem)
Le président du CE et le directeur (un tandem indissociable)_fr
Poster Governing Board (Role and Powers)
Affiche_Conseil d'établissement (Fonction et pouvoirs)_fr
Governing Board Workshop
October 25, 2017 - Massey-Vanier High School
November 2, 2017 - Richmond Regional High School
November 6, 2017 - Alexander Galt Regional High School
Poster_Governing Board_Role and Powers_Eng
Poster_Conseil d'établissement Fonctions et Pouvoirs_Fr