
General Admission Process for Homeschooling Students

A parent of a homeschooled child will now officially register with the Ministère de l’Éducation  (MEQ), with a copy of the written intent to homeschool to the school board  and submit a Learning Project detailing the education plan for their child. For more information, you may access the following weblink:

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


Your Message

Send your child’s learning project to the MEQ.

  1. To benefit from the support services offered by the Eastern Townships School Board, you must complete the admission process with the School Organizational Technician at the administrative centre, or by e-mail through the contact above, by providing the following documents:
    1. Your child’s certificate of eligibility for instruction in English. If your child does not have one, you must submit your child’s long-form birth certificate bearing the name of both parents. If eligibility requirements are met, an application for the certificate of eligibility will be submitted to the MEQ on your behalf.
    2. A copy of the notice of intent to homeschool sent to the MEQ**

**Please note that you must submit your written notice for homeschooling to the Ministère de l’Éducation  (MEQ) and a copy of the notice of intent to the school board on a yearly basis.

Process for Requesting School Board Services

Procedures for HomeSchooling Services

Documents Required

Please attach document(s) to request form

Learning Project

Learning Project

Professional Report (if available)

Learning Project

Valid ID when entering exam

For a guide regarding the MEQ exams, click here.

For the Homeschooling Exam Schedule, click here.


Please fill in the appropriate form and return it to the homeschooling department. The ETSB will advise you whether your request for educational services has been approved within 7-10 days.