Instructional Technology and Pedagogical Services

Youth Sector

Eva Lettner, Director – Instructional Technology and Pedagogical Services

Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55035

Nicole Carrière, Assistant Director – Pedagogical Services

Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55035

Harley Hampton-Pettigrew, Executive Secretary
Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55035

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Adult Sector

Maude Danis-Coulombe, Assistant Director – Pedagogical Services & Continuing Education

Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55206

The pedagogical services department of the Eastern Townships School Board provides a range of services to its schools and communities in support of instructional activities that impact on student achievement and success. Believing that the provision of quality educational programs comes about through effective teaching and the use and accessibility of appropriate resources, the pedagogical services professionals and administrators assist schools by providing:

  • Support and guidance in the implementation of the Quebec Education Program (QEP)
  • Training and support for teachers and principals in effective instructional strategies and models via workshops, symposiums and other professional activities
  • Information on winning educational approaches found locally and abroad
  • Support to teachers in the development of learning and evaluation situations that can be used in the classroom
  • Examples of effective technology integration in the curriculum that enhance student learning
  • Support to school teams in the development of local initiatives and projects
  • Up to date information relating to evaluation and reporting practices and procedures
  • Help in the writing of success plans, standards and procedures, professional development project proposals, and other projects.