Financial Services

Sophie Leduc, Director

Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55050

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Richard Benoit, Finance Officer

Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55053

Marie-Ève Lambert – Administrative technician

Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55059

Carole Waite, Finance Officer 

Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55073

Elisabeth D. Hamel, Finance Officer 

Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55057

Melissa Gosselin, Accounts payble

Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55054

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Please note that paying taxes to the Eastern Townships School Board does not mean you are automatically registered on the English language school board voters list. To check to see if you are on the list, call the Director General of Elections for Québec at:

1 888 ÉLECTION (1 888 353-2846)

To make a request to be placed on the ETSB voters list fill out the Notice to the Returning Officer.

If you would like to consult the amount of school taxes , please go to the TFP website and click on the visitor tab.

Tammy Moffat, Administrative Technician/Taxation

Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55073

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