Human Resources For general inquiries please send your request to *protected email* Caroline Dufresne – Director of Human Resources Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55045 *protected email* Sarah Diotte – Assistant Director of Human Resources Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55045 *protected email* Human Resources Nancy Humphrey – Administrative Technician Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55042 *protected email* Melanie St-Pierre, Administrative Technician - Salary insurance Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55043 *protected email* Kathy MacDonald – Administrative Technician Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55044 *protected email* Annie Thériault – Personnel Management Consultant Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55063 *protected email* Payroll Melodee Brier, Administrative Technician – Payroll / Health Insurance Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55062 *protected email* Valerie MacDonald , Office Agent Principal Class - Payroll and Absences Tel: (819) 868-3100, ext. 55064 *protected email* Collective Agreements (2023-2028 agreements are only available in French at this time) Teachers 2023-2028 Professionals 2023-2028 Support Staff 2023-2028